13 April 2006

Wheeler At Wheeler

I just got the May/June issue of Adbusters: Journal Of The Mental Environment to find they have a story inside entitled How Skatebord Culture Lost Its Soul. It is essentially an essay on how Nike was able to finally buy its way into skate culture. That is all well and good but you should know that foulweather tackled this subject matter before Adbusters did, in issue #1, in the essay titled Nike Vs Minor Threat: Is Cultural Imperialism A Major Threat? I'm a big fan of Adbusters, so please read both takes on the story.

In other news you can now read another story from foulweather #1 online. Click here to read Confessions Of A Guilty Expat.

Photo: Wheeler at Wheeler was not taken at Wheeler but at nearby Nehalem on the Oregon Coast by Justin Taraska. That is my friend Josh looking at my sweaty bum.