01 February 2007

Foulweather... On The Beach

Northern Oregon Beach, photo by Pete

Bagaln Bay in South Wales, just east of my hometown of Swansea. This industrial nightmare on the beach was inspiration for both Brazil and Blade Runner. I stole this photo from the Pontarddulais Walking Club.

So I have finally conceptualized Foulweather #2. At first I was not going to bother with a theme, actually I wasn't going to bother with a #2 at all at one point, but the urge to slap together a zine has overwhelmed me again, as it usually does about once a year.

I was trying to come up with one unifying link to my current interests, reading matter, area of study, concerns, political mindset etc. and it seemed impossible. Of course, it eventually dawned on me that this unifying theme was staring me in the face the whole time.

The Beach.

I'm seeking contributions again, so if you are interested in any of the following and think you can link them to The Beach, with words, photography or art get in touch:

The Beach as Arena of Liberation, Coney Island, Venice Beach, Salton Sea, BayOcean, San Francisco's Cliff House/ Saltwater Baths, The History of Leisure, Urban Decay meets the Beach, Paris 1968, The Piers of Victorian Britain, Post War California, Miki Dora, Civilization Vs Nature, Technology Vs Primitivism... maybe you get a sense of what tree I'm barking up, maybe not... Sort of a deep musing on the cultural history of The Beach in Western Civilization and its political implications... maybe...