06 May 2008

WebCam Rothko

Last month a certain webcam went out of focus in the evening light. I saved a few of its best Rothkoesque beachscapes. Beauty from the filth.

Thanks to everyone for all the orders for Foulweather #2 so far. I will be sending out a batch of review copies soon.

Now, FW#2 is finally out there, I'm hoping to focus on some new projects, mainly Confessions of a Guilty Expat, more short stories and Foulweather #3 for early 2009... perhaps...

I've also been stepping up my photography efforts and have invested in a new camera (well it was invested for me, thanks Alison, Kath and Tony (and Stiv for the input)) but at the moment I've been too obsessed with my Polaroid camera to knuckle down and figure out how to use my fancy new digital SLR. As I'm sure some of you have heard, Polaroid is going to discontinue making their wondrous instant film. I'm hoping to get some of them scanned soon. (Anyone got a scanner I can use?) Until then check out this magnificent collection of Polaroids.