Grosso, with a tail block on the extension. No pads, pool coping and CrAss influenced board graphics... that is about as good as it gets as far as I'm concerned.
I've been meaning to drop a quick review of this zine for sometime. Bad Egg arrives on my doorstep like clockwork because Ash and I have traded zines in the past, only she puts out zines far more frequently than I. Anyway Bad Egg is up to issue #6.
Reasons why I dig Bad Egg #6:
1) It is a an actual hard copy, tangible, printed, copied, posted, piece of material I can read on the throne.
1.5) It is not a blog.
2) The cover features my favourite trick at the moment, one that I can actually do. Yep, the Crailtap is no longer ironic, it is cool... for now...
3) There is a mustache feature. Mustaches are also no longer ironic and are also cool... for now...
4) Jeff Grosso is in it doing my second favourite trick, the Tail Tap and yes, I can do this one also. It will always be cool.
5) Lots of photos of empty holes being ridden by transitional rollerboarders.
Thanks Ash. Foulweather # 2.5, will end up on your doorstep before 2009 is out.
Everyone else, feel free to send zines of any subject matter my way and I'll review them.