16 November 2009


Go to Wayne Levin's Site to see much much more.

the first time you take your hands off your bike's handle bars
a spring day rope swing, blistered hands
sledging on a snow-day
running from the police
mitching off school
sneaking into the castle and abandoned houses
cliff jumping during the spring high tides at three cliff's bay
the first time you tell an adult to rightly, 'get fucked'
getting the cardigan bay reef, with just yourself and your mate
running naked through the night streets
push ups in the february shore break
sleeping rough in strange cities
reading the mind of a complete stranger on a wild night out
dancing madly with a three-year-old around the living room as books bounce off the shelves and ornaments come crashing to the floor
catching a glimpse of your love in a spell-binding light
just going with your gut
that fleeting understanding of your place in the cosmos
not saying much