04 October 2024

your tax dollars paid for the horrendous deaths of thousands and thousands of children

beg for a raise
so your $weat can go further toward
shredding babies to pieces
in far away lands

31 August 2024

04 August 2024

death is a beach

sitting on damp sand 
morning dew on the beachgrass 
sky and sea the same color for now
cold bum, underwear about to soak up the moisture 
perhaps the now light variable wind will pick up at some point 
and the fog will burn off in an hour or two 
and maybe we will also

and maybe
death is a beach

16 July 2024

That's All Folks

This is your sneeze 
This is your orgasm 
This is your enlightenment 
This is your death 

This is you 

This is the universe 
This is now 
This is everything 
This is nothing 

That’s all 
You are all 
All is you

That’s All Folks 
Please come again. 

22 April 2024

 all my poetry notebooks

have become work planners

the first few pages have some kurt vonnegut quotes

and then the scribbles descend


to do lists


maintenance requests


it gets much worse


poetry does not pay

20 April 2024

at first 

the Camilla tree

you never noticed blooming

sheds its leaves in a wind that springs back into a pre-pubescent winter

you enjoy the moment as if it never happened before

but you let it go

even if it will never happen again


if there is a next time

you ignore it

almost incapable of seeing it

fixated on:





and many other things that are not falling blossoms


but it will bloom again 

and you will slow down


over-intellectualize it 

and turn it in to a bad poem




if you are lucky

blossoming camilla


raining delicate pink

could be spring

23 March 2024


 years ago

i went to see mike watt form san pedro play the thud staff

many great people were there

the gentle Thor for one

and many best friends i did not know i had

we wore plaid


watt came on stage

and before he played a single note he said,


john coltrane

john coltrane

john coltrane


and then we all

began to ascend


at the end of this mighty happening

watt suggested we,







and then we all



15 March 2024


10 March 2024

about perspective



to drink a coffee

as the burning fog is 


to reveal the golden gate bridge and alcatraz 

into my view

high up on the berkeley hills


a perspective


so removed.


meanwhile, a young american serviceman is


to self-immolate

for a cause I care deeply 



there has already been enough death

do not let his,

obscure the view

of those who did not choose to die.


live and do more,

is all i am 


to think. 

19 February 2024

John Wainwright Ordered Unseasonal Blooming of Unknown Flowers

“The first woman to watch TV She died.” * 

 The first order on Amazon was placed by John Wainwright 
for a book entitled, 
“Fluid concepts and creative analogies.”
 He is still a loyal customer to this day. 

 Amazon now says the National Labor Relations Board is Unconstitutional 
 While dodging taxes in NE Oregon 
 where its data centers are rocketing along their way to being among the biggest carbon emitters in the region. 

 John Wainwright will also die 

And flowers are blooming in the Antarctic according to a false instagram post 

 The singularity will need a lot of energy to run while keeping the data cool.

 “This is the last song I sung -
 I was stalked by echoes
This is the last song I sung -
 I wore amphibian skin 
This is the last song I sung -
My eyelashes fell out 
This is the last song I sung -
I slept with informants
This is the last song I sung -
 I had no true country 
This is the last song I sung -
A small part of me died 
This is the last song I sung -
I vomited up a blinking eye 
This is the last song I sung -
The bills were piling up 
This is the last song I sung -
Lingo, slang, and doublespeak 
This is the last song I sung -
I lost my keys 
This is the last song I sung -
The world vanished In a gentle breeze”** 

 *The Ex “That’s Not A Virus” 
**Lungfish “Ann The Word”

09 February 2024


13 January 2024